DSC_2193Well over one hundred people joined in a discussion of Rosemont’s future at the recent annual community meeting on May 18th. The primary focus of the annual meeting was the vision this community wants to achieve, and as the discussion progressed there seemed to be a growing sense of hope and potential. Safety, the Plaza, and a sense of community were top points of discussion. As several people stated, it all comes down to each of us doing our part in our own way as best we can. This collective energy and enthusiasm can then grow and support larger actions with even larger benefits. The forum provided at the annual meeting by the Rosemont Community Association provided a focal point for ideas and actions that is a tremendous asset and a key to building Rosemont into a more appealing community. The open forum provided many ideas and concerns relating to the improvement of Rosemont. A compiled list of the ideas offered can be viewed by clicking here.

Special Attendees

In addition to the open forum, there was an excellent turnout from Rosemont’s elected officials. Supervisor Don Nottoli attended and reported on plans the County has for meeting needs in our area. Assemblyman Ken Cooley, Matthew Ceccato, Field Director for Representative Ami Bera, Capt. Michael Goold, the Sac Sheriff East Area Commander, and Christina Pritchett, our local representative on the Board of Trustees of the Sacramento City Unified School District were all in attendance as well. The annual meeting provided direct interaction with these elected officials and their electorate.


In addition to the elected officials, County Departments of Code enforcement and Transportation, multiple Sheriff’s officers including Rosemont’s POP Officer Ralph Garcia, Tommy Riggin and officers of the California Highway Patrol attended. Representatives for the local utilities CalAM Water and SMUD also attended. Also on display was a story board of Rosemont history provided by the Cordova Historical Society.

Community Hero Awards Presented

Since we have so many wonderful volunteers here in Rosemont, the RCA Board has created a new recognition to say thank you to them. While we can’t give tribute to all at once, we did give Community Hero awards to several people at the annual meeting. The Community Hero awards were issued to volunteers that go above and beyond to better our community.

Lupe Aldana was recognized for his frequent and generous help with our Celebration of Community and other events throughout the year. Officer Tommy Riggin of the CHP was recognized for his extraordinary and attentive support in helping reduce traffic issues in Rosemont. And Savion Battle, a junior at Rosemont High, was recognized for his exceptional volunteer work at RHS and Einstein Middle School, as well as several other schools. Each Community Hero was also given a gift card in thanks for their work. To read the letters of recognition given each Hero, click here.

RCA Volunteer of the Year

DSC_2191In appreciation of all that he has done in the Rosemont community, RCA named Doug Kenner its 2016 Volunteer of the Year. Doug has led our quarterly Kiefer Cleanup Project for several years, and has helped organize two “deep cleanings” at the Post Office and at Golden Empire School. In fact, just three days after receiving the award, Doug helped again with the third cleaning at the school. His tireless efforts have helped maintain a clean environment around Rosemont. In addition to his leadership in the cleaning efforts, he also organizes the display of classic cars are the annual Celebration of Community and assists with various Neighborhood Watch activities. All of his efforts have culminated in the well deserved Volunteer of the Year Award! Thank you Doug for all that you do for Rosemont! The award can be viewed by clicking here.