burglarWe continue to hear of incidents where someone has had their car broken into or some property stolen, and it very often is when they left the car unlocked or a gate or door open. Not only do these people lose property or have it damaged, but the bad guys learn that there are easy hits here and they come back and do it again or tell their bad guy buddies. Then the problem repeats and grows. So, a couple of MANDATORY precautions:

Always lock your car, even in your driveway and especially at night.

Always keep your gates and doors locked and your garage door closed unless you are in the immediate area.

Always secure items in your car trunk where they cannot be seen if you must leave them in your car; anything that even appears may be of value will cause a bad guy to break a car window and likely do more damage than the value of the item taken.

ALWAYS report anything that seems suspicious – unusual behaviors by someone in your neighborhood whether on foot or in a vehicle. If someone comes to your door who is suspicious, trust your gut and wither don’t open your door or don’t engage with them; certainly ask for valid identification. If they can’t produce it they likely are up to no good, so report them immediately while they are still in the area.

The direct line to the Sheriff’s Office is 874-5115. If it is an emergency, call 874-5111. (It’s a good idea to put these numbers in your cell phone and speed dial.)

The safety of you, your family and your property begins with you! REPORT, REPORT, REPORT!