Recently, there have been several reports in Rosemont of finding dead birds with West Nile virus. So RCA invited a representative of the Sacramento-Yolo Vector Control Agency, Luz Maria Robles, to brief the community on how to protect ourselves from this potentially serious, even deadly, disease. In the excellent presentation the group learned that mosquitos are a primary carrier (vector) of this illness, but that you can greatly lessen the chance of having mosquitos by being careful not to allow any amount of water to stand undisturbed for more than a short period so they cannot breed (mosquitos are very prolific breeders). Be sure any water in planter basins, pet dishes, ponds or neglected pools is either drained or treated. If you see any sources of such water you can report it to the Agency. To learn more visit And there is lots more helpful and interesting information at this web site, so check it out and be smart. It will take everyone’s efforts and vigilance to help keep our neighborhoods safe and healthy.