
Jim Rodems, District Administrator of our Cordova Recreation and Park District (CRPD), briefed the RCA board at its April meeting on the status of our parks and programs here in Rosemont and what likely is in store. Using graphics, he showed the revenues available for Rosemont parks and recreation programs, the expenses incurred, and the foreseeable needs in our area to bring us up to current standards. When Rosemont was first developed it provided for less park acreage than is now the standard. We have less than 3 acres per thousand population compared with newer communities with 5 acres per thousand. Similarly, Rosemont receives about $95 per acre of parks compared with a high elsewhere of as much as $376 per acre in the new communities with other revenue sources. This disparity shows in levels of maintenance, safety, and equipment, as well as programs. To begin to determine what to do to improve this situation, CRPD is seeking input form District residents by a survey at  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and let the District know what you want.