Recently RCA has heard from several residents here with complaints about the behavior of neighbors. Usual these complaints are about behavior – too loud, late night activities, even intimidating behavior, or code or nuisance issues such as illegally parked cars, unkempt yards, trash, etc. Sometime it is so bad that there is trespassing and property is stolen.  Each of these instances degrades our neighborhood and lessens our property values for all of us. At worst, we and our children and friends feel threatened and our property is at risk.

While there are various actions that can be taken to mitigate such problems, the first step is YOURS! Until you and your neighbors speak up and file a complaint, the problems will likely only worsen. If the authorities are not told of the problem, in effect it does not exist, and you will continue to suffer.

So if you are in this kind of situation, REPORT IT NOW! And continue reporting it each time there is a problem. And get your neighbors to also report. The more complaints the more likely it is that something can be done to improve the situation. And be prepared to work with law enforcement to help them get the information they need to act. Usually this can be done without putting yourself in jeopardy, but always be wise and careful, and polite; don’t make the situation worse by arguing or threatening.

It may be that an initial warning must be issued before and arrest or fine can be made. Or it may take time to investigate to see if probationers or other criminals are involved, or if illegal activities are taking place. Police need our help, so general, vague complaints are not good enough; police need specifics: hard data like license numbers, or clear facial photos, or good descriptions with specific details. Remember, it may be necessary to build a case that could stand up in court, because even the bad guys still have some rights to due process.

While Rosemont is a community generally free of these kinds of problems, they do exist here as they do everywhere. We can only curtail them if we all work together smartly – and safely – and get law enforcement involved early. Know that they are on our side and will help us all they can; but they too have to follow the law.