We see lots of posts on various social media here – Next Door, Face Book, the RCA web site – reporting or complaining about problems. But if it is an issue in which law enforcement should be involved, there is little use in telling others if you have not FIRST reported the problem to the police. If it is worth complaining about to others, chances are it is worth telling the cops. If they don’t know about it, it may as well not have happened as far as law enforcement is concerned. Of course, if it is life-threatening or a crime in progress, call 911. If it is some other kind of problem involving vehicles or a vehicle code violation, call the California Highway Patrol at 464-1450. If it is any other type of crime problem, call the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department at 874-5115. If it is a property code violation, you can report it to the County by calling 311 or going online to www.311.saccounty.net.
Then, after reporting where it can do some real good, share your concern with your neighbors, and be sure to say where problem is and that it has been reported. People need to know generally where the problem is to know how concerned they should be.
Of course, one of the best ways to deal with these kinds of problems is to have an active Neighborhood Watch Group in your neighborhood. We have information on how to start one on the RCA web site. Check it out, and either join or start a Neighborhood Watch group in your area.
A very nice lady and her daughter were out looking for a missing kitty. They live on Firelight way and said the would post it on this website. I was just wondering if the little kitty ever made it home?