packagesDuring this season of lots of package deliveries, take extra precautions to not let thieves steal your packages from your porch. Consider these options. Have an area near your door that is hidden from street view when a package can be left, and check it regularly, especially if you tend to enter through your garage. Consider having packages delivered to you at work, if that is an option. Or have packages delivered to the local store of the business from which you ordered. Or arrange for a trust neighbor who is normally home during the day to receive your shipment. Or request the shipper to require a signature on delivery. Or have the shipping company hold the package for you to pick up at its local branch. And it you are shipping something to a friend or relative, alert them when to expect it and to watch for it. Finally, if you see something suspicious like a person going to front doors right after a delivery is made, get the information you can and report it immediately.