Jim Schubert of the County describes options for Rosemont entrance signage at the November RCA Board meeting.

Jim Schubert of the County describes options for Rosemont entrance signage at the November RCA Board meeting.

With the great assistance of Supervisor Don Nottoli, his staff and the County Department of Transportation, next year Rosemont will have new entrance signage at each end of Kiefer Blvd. welcoming people to our community. One sign will be on the trellis at the northeast corner of Watt and Kiefer, and the other, a monument sign, will be at the northwest corner of Bradshaw and Kiefer. Also under consideration is a similar sign at the southwest corner of Bradshaw and Kiefer where there are plans for an AM/PM Mini Mart and two small restaurants. We hope also to have appropriate welcome signs installed elsewhere at the major entrances to Rosemont. Part of the purpose of these signs will be to help people realize that they live in or are entering the unique Rosemont community and begin to identify with and support it. If Rosemont is to remain and grow as a vibrant and appealing community, people need to know they are here.