007Now, while most of our trees are bare of leaves, is a great time to cut out the deadly mistletoe that will kill your trees. If you have an ash tree, so common in Rosemont, or any other tree that is host to mistletoe, be sure you regularly have the parasite removed properly so it done not return. The disease is spread by birds that carry the seeds on their beaks and then rub it off on a new branch elsewhere. One infected tree can infect many others nearby and the problem spreads. So be sure to cut out any mistletoe you can safely reach, or have a professional tree service clear it out. Perhaps you might want to join with neighbors who have infected trees and try to get a better price. Know that over time if the mistletoe is not removed it will kill the tree, and deprive Rosemont of one of our nice landscape features – stately mature and attractive trees.