Some two dozen attendees learned much practical information at the recent RCA finance management workshop on wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. These essential tools to control your assets, no matter how few, at the end of life can save your heirs and loved-ones much time, expense and stress and give you control of your assets “even from the grave.” Local estate planning attorney Dustin MacFarlane also addressed other essential documents such as durable powers of attorney, advanced medical directives, POLSTs, and financial arrangements to be sure your assets are protected as you want. If you and all in your family have not yet made such preparations you are well advised to begin doing so immediately. Contact a qualified attorney to help you do things right and not make a mistake. You and your family will be forever grateful.
The next session in this series of free finance management workshops will address “Social Security – Getting What You Are Due” on June 27. To sign up send your name and contact information to or call 916-936-1959. To assure space please register by June 23.