RCA passes out free welcome bags to newly arrived Rosemont residents, and we are always looking for goodies to include in the bag. If you have a business, or know of someone who does that serves the Rosemont area, we invite you to provide an item to include in the bag. It can be just a business card, or maybe a coupon or a small gift that informs our new neighbor about your products or services. The only cost to you is the cost of whatever you offer; we distribute about a dozen bags a month. And you can change your item as often as you wish to fir your marketing desires. This is an inexpensive and effective way to introduce yourself to new customers. If you would like to participate in the RCA welcome bag program let us know at info@rosemontca.org and we will follow up with you.
Help Welcome a New Neighbor
March 26, 2016Written by RCA Intern