Owners of Little Free Libraries should take the following best practices into consideration when maintaining them during a pandemic. According to LittleFreeLibrary.org:

  • If you are sick, don’t share books in your library until you are symptom-free.
  • If your friend is sick, they should not come to your library.
  • Use a hand sanitizer every time you use your library.
  • Do not gather with others at your Little Free Library; practicing social distancing is critical to flattening the curve.
  • Sanitize your hands before opening your Little Free Library
  • Clean the books with a microfiber cloth or disinfectant wipes
  • Clean the library with disinfectant wipes (don’t forget to clean the handle and shelves, too!)

Some owners of Little Free Libraries around the country have been converting them into Little Free Pantries for those who have been affected financially by this crisis that might be in need of canned goods and other pantry food items. While others are completely closing them off to the public. There are currently 18 RCA sponsored Little Libraries, as well as several other private Little Free Libraries throughout Rosemont and owners are encouraged to use their best judgment on how they should be maintained.

To learn more about our Little Free Library program, please e-mail our Little Free Library Coordinator at info@rosemontca.org.