A large land use proposal now in the County’s planning process will have a serious impact on the Rosemont community. Known as the West Jackson Highway Master Plan, it covers the areas south of Rosemont along Jackson Highway and east of Rosemont along Bradshaw over to Routier Rd. Proposed for this area of about 5,900 acres are some 15,650 residential units, a large commercial center, at least 5 schools, and lots of parks and open space. This proposal is in addition to three other major proposals already in the planning process south of Mather, east of Excelsior to Sunrise and north of Jackson that would bring in similar development.
While this new development would not likely occur for at least ten years, it has the potential of changing the character of Rosemont by creating attractive new communities and resources while at the same time the ability of Rosemont to protect and enhance itself would continue to be limited. Hope for an improved commercial element here would likely be diminished by the new commercial areas to the southeast, and new development revenues would support amenities not available to Rosemont.
RCA will be studying this proposal carefully over the next months and years and welcomes your input. You can view the West Jackson Highway Master Plan proposal HERE.