NW graphic 1Lately there have been several instances of theft and vandalism, and we are asking for everyone’s help in begin vigilant and reporting any such problems. We heard of several car break-ins and even thefts, and several property thefts. These have seemed to be in local areas, leading to suspicions that they may involve people living nearby. While we don’t want to rouse worries about neighbors, it can be very helpful – and polite – to get to know your neighbors, and invite them to be aware of and join the effort in your area to guard against crimes. Best yet, be sure you have an active Neighborhood Watch group on your block; that way you can alert each other to possible problems.

We also have had the theft of several recruitment signs for Rosemont’s new Junior Wolverines football and cheer program that is being revived. It seems their signs are the only ones among several that have been taken down. If you see anyone doing this, or if you know where those signs may be, please report them to the Sheriff’s Office at 874-5115.