We are mounting a new campaign to build our already strong Neighborhood Watch program here, and we are looking for people who want to help keep crimes and other problem in check, and even have some fun in the process. A NW group is simply a handful of people who live within sight of one another and who know how to contact each other in case of a problem. They also know how to contact the proper authorities to deal with whatever the problem may be. Once they’ve done that, a NW group is a great way to make friends. So we strongly encourage you to join or styart a NW group on your block. RCA has all the information to help get you started. We can even provide you with a special Rosemont NW sign, and even tee shirts to promote the program with your neighbors. To learn more, just contact RCA at info@rosemontca.org or leave a message at 916-936-1959.