Sheriff_patchRosemont has a new POP Officer – Deputy Ralph Garcia. Although he is new to this assignment, he has years of experience with the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department and the east area. As a problem oriented policing (POP) officer, his responsibility is to be the first line of daily contact with the community, getting to know our concerns and our people, what’s happening here, what our problems are, and advising us on actions to resolve those problems. Of course, if you have an emergency, always call 911, or from a cell phone in our Rosemont area call 874-5111 so it goes directly to the SSD dispatch). If you see something that seems suspicious or is not a crime in progress but still should be reported, call 874-5115. Whatever the problem, please DO CALL to report it. If we don’t report problems then to law enforcement they never existed. And Deputy Garcia welcomes emails. His address is; his phone is 875-9650. After you have reported a problem to Sheriff dispatch, let him know so he can follow up.