Your RCA Board, at its August 3 meeting, further discussed some of the properties in Rosemont, noting that some are very well maintained and attractive while others are sadly in disrepair and even trashy. The experience of walking door-to-door leaving door hangers advertising the August 12 Celebration of Community gave many people the chance to see up close the condition of some houses that one does not notice when driving by. Fortunately we do not have many such houses, but even one is too many, as it tends to denigrate the neighborhood around it and attracts more such neglect. Occasionally that condition may indicate the house is occupied by someone either incapable of maintaining the property or in need of personal help, either physical or mental. Recently we’ve heard a few stories of people noticing such a situation and alerting law enforcement who did a check and found the occupant in need of serious help. It is a reminder to all of us that a bit of neighborly attention is always useful, both for the people involved as well as for the entire community. So if you notice a house that signals the occupant may need help – mail and papers collecting, yard neglected, trash piling up – the neighborly thing to do is to politely check on the occupant to see if they need help of some sort, and then try to arrange it for them. While not everyone will appreciate the attention, if it helps even one person the thoughtful effort is worth it for them. And it might even prod the others to being more attentive to the appearance of their property. As a last resort, if the conditions warrant, alert County Code Enforcement by calling 311 or on line at Everyone can help keep Rosemont looking nice and people safe.