Over its more than 50 years of existence, RCA has strived to maintain Rosemont as a vibrant and wonderful place to live. None of this would be possible without the support of the countless volunteers and local businesses that work hard to keep Rosemont a wonderful place. Below is a list of programs that RCA provides. If you are interested in becoming involved with RCA, all are welcome to our monthly board meetings (on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm at Atonement Church, 9242 Kiefer Blvd.) or you can contact us via email info@rosemontca.org. We welcome your ideas and energy!

Public Agency Awareness

As an unincorporated area of Sacramento County, Rosemont is served by many agencies whose actions may affect us in many ways. RCA stays up to date on news and updates related to the many agencies that serve Rosemont.

Revitalizing Rosemont

RCA continues to improve the appearance of Rosemont by various cleanups along Kiefer Boulevard and at Rosemont schools. These actions engage and support our businesses and benefit Rosemont residents.

Graffiti Abatement

A rapid response team of volunteers has constantly removed graffiti just as quickly as it is reported. These volunteers work hard to keep our community clean and attractive.

School Enhancement

Every community is seen as no stronger than its schools, and RCA engages all of our schools to strengthen their programs and to help them build a strong and respected reputation.

Neighborhood Watch and Park Watch

One of the most effective means of keeping a neighborhood safe is by neighbors knowing and connecting with each other. Rosemont has one of the most active Neighborhood Watch programs in the County.

Annual Community Celebration

For seven years, RCA has sponsored a free Community Celebration event each August at the Rosemont Community Park. The celebration attracts over a thousand people and has various activities and entertainment for all ages.


RCA publishes an e-newsletter to inform you of news and events that are happening in and around our community.

Santa Parade and Toy Drive

Each December RCA partners with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Toy Drive and sponsors a Santa Parade. With the support of the Sacramento Metro Fire Department, Santa tours Rosemont and collects toys for needy children in our area.

Scholarship Program

For almost a decade RCA has sponsored a scholarship for a graduating Rosemont area high school senior.