What is Neighborhood Watch?
Neighborhood Watch (NW) is a group of people living in the same geographic area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together with local law enforcement to reduce crime and improve their quality of life.
As of May 2018, there were approximately 26 active Neighborhood Watch groups in Rosemont. To learn how to form a watch group, read below.

Fight crime by forming a NW group on your street! Active groups have the option of purchasing this custom sign and having it installed on a lightpole. Ask about how your newly-formed watch group can get a FREE street sign!
What should I do if I see something suspicious?
According to the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department (SSD), if you think something should be reported…REPORT IT! Remember, reporting does not necessarily mean that you need an officer dispatched. Learn the various methods of reporting by reading “Other Crime Reporting Methods” contained in the Rosemont Community Policing Resource Directory linked below. Print your copy of the Community Policing Resource Directory and keep it by your phone so you will know who to call! Read it!! Learn who Rosemont’s SSD “POP” (Problem Oriented Policing) Officer is and utilize his email address.
(An immediate rsponse is needed)
(or (916) 874-5111 if calling from a cell phone)
Non-emergency and suspicious activity may be reported to the SSD at:
(916) 874-5115
Due to budget cuts, the SSD relies heavily on the public to be their “eyes and ears.” Reporting suspicious or criminal activity may provide a critical piece of information that the SSD needs to solve a crime to make an arrest. Reporting also helps to build accurate statistics about crime. This can and will affect the County’s future decisions about law enforcement staffing needs for Rosemont.
How do I start a new NW group in my part of Rosemont?
Linked below are downloadable files which contain information about how to start a NW group. If you have questions, please feel free to email the Rosemont Community Association at info@rosemontca.org. Volunteers can provide you with additional assistance and direction in starting your group.
- How do I start a new Neighborhood Watch
- Sample Meeting Notice
- Developing NW Group Roster
- Installation of NW Sign
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the process of forming a new group. Once a new NW group is established, the time invested by you, the NW coordinator, can be as much or as little as you can devote. The important thing is that you get one started and keep the roster updated. You may be surprised by the positive responses you get from your neighbors. Many people would like to belong to an active NW group but don’t know how to go about it. It simply takes one person to make it happen, and YOU can be that person!
All-Communities Monthly NW Meetings
The Sheriff’s Department also holds monthly meetings at its East Area Office which are excellent opportunities to learn more about Neighborhood Watch, how you can help protect you family and property, and what has been happening in your neighborhood. Click this link to see the schedule of meetings and get more information:
The Rosemont Community Policing Resource Directory contains important contact information. Included is information about the Rosemont Neighborhood Watch Facebook Group which is designated to give residents a way to come together easily, share experiences, suggest anti-crime techniques, and inform others about crime-related news and events that have occurred in our neighborhood.
How Do I Get a NW T-Shirt?
Rosemont NW t-shirts sell for $10 each and help spread the word about NW groups in our community. Please email us at info@rosemontca.org to buy a shirt and be sure to indicate your size. Please Note: Inventory is currently limited.