Help Chart Rosemont’s Future!
The RCA Annual Meeting is Wednesday, May 18 and will include an open forum on
the future of Rosemont. Click on these links (in the “read more” link below) to read several articles that explore what that future might be. Then participate in the forum at the Rosemont High cafeteria at the 7:00pm meeting to have your voice heard.
Here’s your chance to speak your mind. Come to the RCA annual meeting and join in the discussion on the future of Rosemont. What do you want to see in your community in the next 5 to 10 years? A major part of the meeting will be a forum to share your thoughts and concerns with your neighbors and help RCA develop plans to make those dreams come true.
We will also have information tables from the agencies that serve Rosemont, make several award presentations, conduct a bit of business, and hear form our County Supervisor Don Nottoli. Mostly, it will be a good chance to chat with some of your neighbors and learn about what’s happening in Rosemont. So be at the Rosemont High cafeteria on Wednesday, May 18, at 6:30pm for the information table, followed at 7:00pm by the meeting. We should be done by 8:45, but stay for some refreshments and conversation.
Help Chart Rosemont’s Future: Help Chart Rosemont’s Future
The Future of Rosemont: The Future of Rosemont
A Big Vision for Rosemont: Big Vision for Rosemont
Would love to see Teichert donate some land for parks and recreation for our neighborhood. Possibly the bowled area on the west side of South Watt. And since I’m in the dreaming big stage, it would nice if they threw in the dead area thats fenced off at the corner of Manlove and South Watt. We’ve been looking at that dead area for 40 years that I’ve lived here.
Would love to have better shopping stores in the Save Mart area. It seems that the recycle business in our shopping area attracts a lot of folks with already stolen shopping carts (that end up left in various places in our yards and streets). Also the type of folks are usually grown men riding bikes or walking through our neighborhoods to dig through our recycle bins (which is illegal). One of my neighbors caught a man in his backyard going through his bin. The man scurried over the fence when approached. Could have been a scary situation.
Would like to see South Watt go to four lanes past Jackson road, and some land built up with high tech businesses or places for our folks to work. Would be great to just walk or ride a bike to work. Our Teichert area has lots of unused land to develop. They are a big company, and with some tax incentives I’m sure they could make things happen. This would make the value of our homes go up and bring in great future families.
Find a way to encourage neighbors to keep their property maintained. Encourage folks to pick up trash and leftover garage sale signs.
It only takes a few minutes to pick up pieces of paper.
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
Whatever happened to the plans to demolish the drive-in at Bradshaw and replace with seven-screen theater complex? Any plans to bring family dining to the area, we are overloaded in the area with nothing but fast food restaurants! I remember when Round Table used to be a steakhouse (Sizzler).
When I see the vacant lot at the corner of Bradshaw and Kiefer, across the street from SMUD, I always think I bet Panda Express or Subway could do really well there, the lunch crowd from SMUD, the high school and the juvenile center, even the Sacramento Animal shelter employees.
Let’s make some job opportunities for the young people of Rosemont.