DSC_0844Help Chart Rosemont’s Future!
The RCA Annual Meeting is Wednesday, May 18 and will include an open forum on
the future of Rosemont. Click on these links (in the “read more” link below) to read several articles that explore what that future might be. Then participate in the forum at the Rosemont High cafeteria at the 7:00pm meeting to have your voice heard.

Here’s your chance to speak your mind. Come to the RCA annual meeting and join in the discussion on the future of Rosemont. What do you want to see in your community in the next 5 to 10 years? A major part of the meeting will be a forum to share your thoughts and concerns with your neighbors and help RCA develop plans to make those dreams come true.

We will also have information tables from the agencies that serve Rosemont, make several award presentations, conduct a bit of business, and hear form our County Supervisor Don Nottoli. Mostly, it will be a good chance to chat with some of your neighbors and learn about what’s happening in Rosemont. So be at the Rosemont High cafeteria on Wednesday, May 18, at 6:30pm for the information table, followed at 7:00pm by the meeting. We should be done by 8:45, but stay for some refreshments and conversation.



Help Chart Rosemont’s Future:  Help Chart Rosemont’s Future

The Future of Rosemont:  The Future of Rosemont

A Big Vision for Rosemont:  Big Vision for Rosemont