At its May meeting the RCA Board and attendees were briefed by SMUD on it proposed rate adjustments (click HERE to see the presentation); and Regional Transit on its recent efforts to improve safety and service, as well as its plans for service enhancements in the months ahead. To plan those enhancements RT wants people to complete a short survey HERE. The board also approved a motion to begin seriously studying the impacts of proposed developments on Rosemont’s border and how we could act to benefit our community while minimizing any possible negative effects it may bring. This will be a major project taking months if not years as those development proposals evolve. It is conceivable that they provide the catalyst for making major improvements in how and what services Rosemont has. All in the community are invited to learn what is proposed and the potential effects here, and to become involved in helping form plans to guide Rosemont’s future. Watch this web site for information on meetings to study these issues and form plans, and then get involved.