After hearing a briefing on the Juvenile Justice Center, the RCA board discussed with our two POP Officers concerns about law enforcement in Rosemont and was reassured that there is more happening quietly to keep our community safe than people generally know about. They related several recent incidents where careful investigations removed a number of people from our area. They encouraged everyone to report any suspicious incidents; that bit of information may be just what is needed to close a case. The board also heard reports on the very successful meeting for Neighborhood Watch captains; the very helpful presentation for senior drivers on being safe on the road; and efforts by CRPD to deal with loos dogs in the parks. The board discussed plans for the best use of the grant RCA received from the County to revitalize Rosemont. And it acted to reach out to the Local Agency Formation Commission for a briefing on our options to enhance services in Rosemont. Stay tuned for more information on each of these efforts to keep Rosemont safe and appealing.