Don Lockhart, Executive Officer of Sacramento’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), briefed the RCA Board and guests at the January meeting on what Rosemont’s options might be if we explore ways to make improvements to service levels here and enhance the safety and appearance of our community. Increasingly RCA is hearing concerns about services and conditions here, and especially in light of proposed major developments nearby in the coming years. Therefore, RCA is taking a pro-active role to investigate our options and possible begin a community conversation here about what Rosemont should do. All are urged to join in this very important conversation.
LAFCO is a State mandated agency with responsibility to oversee and guide the development of the formation of special districts, changes in public service provisions, annexations and incorporations of cities. The process involves careful analyses of fiscal and other considerations, and environmental impacts if land use authorities are changed. Ultimately, the people in the affected area have the opportunity to say yes or no to whatever might be proposed. If you have ideas or questions, please contact RCA at or come to a board meeting, the first Thursday of each month.