CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD —>    RCA Scholarship Application for 2020

14th Annual Community Service Scholarship Class of 2020

Description of Scholarship:

The Rosemont Community Association has been involved with supporting school-related activities since its inception. To continue in this tradition the board members have approved the fourteenth annual $1,500 scholarship for a graduating senior who is a resident of the Rosemont community. The scholarship focuses on community involvement and is available to students who meet the qualifications listed below.

Student Qualifications*:

  • Must be a Rosemont community resident (community borders within the boundaries of Folsom Blvd to Jackson Hwy, and Bradshaw to South Watt)
  • Cumulative academic “B” average (Cum GPA ≥ 3.0 with Honors/AP courses given extra consideration)
  • Involvement in school and/or community activities (emphasis given for community involvement)
    • –  Extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, student government, etc.
    • –  Community activities such as service projects, volunteerism, after school job, etc.

* Funding of this scholarship is dependent upon proof of enrollment in a community college, university, vocational or trade school

To Apply:

  • Two letters of recommendation (or completion of Recommendation Form)
    • –  One letter must be from a high school official (teacher, counselor, principal, etc.)
    • –  The other letter may be from a school official or community representative (employer, volunteer director, mentor, etc.)
    • –  Letters of recommendation may be returned to the student to submit with application packet or sent independently to the Rosemont Community Association by May 1, 2020
  • Essay (1,000 word max.)
    • –  Which community member has most influenced you and why?
      • OR
    • –  What makes a good community member?
      • OR
    • –  How has your community involvement enhanced your education?
  • Copy of Student Transcript submitted in a sealed envelope.
  • Assemble essay, application form, and transcript. Send by May 1, 2020 to:
    • Rosemont Community Association Scholarship Application
      P.O. Box 277194
      Sacramento, CA 95827

• Must be POSTMARKED no later than Friday, May 1, 2020.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD —>    RCA Scholarship Application for 2020