Rosemont is represented by elected officials at the Local, State and Federal levels. RCA is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of the elected officials, however RCA works with the elected offices to ensure that Rosemont remains a vibrant and safe community. Here is the contact information for the elected officials:

Sacramento County

Supervisor Don Nottoli
5th District
700 H Street, Suite 2450
Sacramento, CA 95814
P:  916-874-5465
F:  916-874-7593
Chief of Staff, Pat Braziel
Special Assistant, Sheryll Venegas

California Legislature

Assembly Member Ken Cooley
Assembly District 8
2729 Prospect Park Dr. Suite 130
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
P:  916-464-1910
F:  916-464-1915

Senator Richard Pan
Senate District 6
District Office
221 Florin Road, Suite 156
Sacramento, CA 95822
P:  916-262-2904
F:  916-914-2179

U.S. House of Representatives

Congressman Ami Bera
7th Congressional District
8950 Cal Center Drive
Building 3, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95826
P:  916-635-0505
F:  916-635-0514
Hours: M-F 9am -6pm

U.S. Senate

Senator Dianne Feinstein
San Francisco Office
One Post Street
Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
P: 415-393-0707
F: 415-393-0710

Sen. Kamala Harris

Sacramento Office
501 I Street
Suite 7-600
Sacramento, CA  95814
Phone (916) 448 – 2787
Fax (202) 228 – 3865
Office hours: Monday – Friday,
8:30am – 5:00pm
Click here to email Senator
Harris with any comments
or requests.

Sacramento City Unified School District

Christina Pritchett
Board of Education, Area 3
5735 47th Ave
Sacramento, CA 95824
P:  916-716-8546

Cordova Recreation & Park District

Brian Danzl, Board Member
Rick Sloan, Board Member
Terri Leimbach, Chairperson
Inez Reyes, Vice Chairperson

Michael Yearwood, Secretary