Rosemont residents are invited to participate in the free Citizen’s Academy being offered by the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department and the Rancho Cordova Police Department. This seven week course will inform you about all the key aspects of law enforcement in this area, including how you can act to help prevent crimes here. Sessions will be Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm from February 21 through April 4. Additional Academies are planned for the summer and fall. Registration is limited so that there is time for more in-depth sessions, including visits to key facilities. Applicants must be at least 21 years old, have no prior felony convictions and not misdemeanor arrests within one year. It is being offered through the Rancho Cordova Police Department and the SSD. Applications are available at or at the East Area Sheriff’s office at 2897 Kilgore Rd. The deadline is Wednesday, January 31 at 5pm.