Rosemont Community Association (RCA) has NO paid staff — everything is organized and staffed by volunteers. If you’re not already, please get involved in one of the many programs or committees in RCA. Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, a bay-area commuter, or a retired general, there are plenty of ways that you can help. Your community needs you!

Rosemont Community Association (RCA) has NO paid staff — everything is organized and staffed by volunteers. If you’re not already, please get involved in one of the many programs or committees in RCA. Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, a bay-area commuter, or a retired general, there are plenty of ways that you can help. Your community needs you!

Here’s a short list of ways you can support your community:

  • Become an RCA member
  • Attend RCA Board Meetings and events
  • Volunteer to help with a program or an event
  • Notify RCA of upcoming Rosemont events
  • Join a neighborhood watch
  • Be involved with Rosemont school events
  • Become a mentor to a student
  • Support local businesses by eating and shopping in Rosemont


Whether you’d like to volunteer your time, donate in-kind goods or services, or make a financial contribution, every little bit helps! RCA works in conjunction with the the Rosemont Community Foundation (RCF) and all financial donation are tax deductible due to its 501(3)(c) status. Every donation helps Rosemont to remain a vibrant community. If you have any question please contact us at

Want to contribute content?

RCA is looking for volunteers to write and share Rosemont-related news on this website. Please email us if you’re interested in contributing content.