walking graphic 1It is amazing what more you can see when you walk in your neighborhood – so many more things than when you are driving and concentrating on the road. You get to notice the nice yards that people have (yea, and those few not-so-nice as well), and even get to smell the flowers. You also may notice things that need to be reported for correcting, be they dangerous sidewalks, encroaching foliage, or trash. (If you have your smart phone you can report those this easily as you walk with the County’s 311 app.) If you are really motivated, you might consider carrying a small bag to gather trash and place it properly in a garbage can. But the best bonuses of walking your neighborhood is the chance to meet some nice folks who may be out working in their yard or sitting on their porch or out walking like you, and getting a bit of healthy exercise. What more could you ask for?