A highlight of the RCA annual meeting was the presentation of RCA’s Volunteer of the Year Award to Christina Pritchett for all her generous volunteer work on behalf of our students and our community. Christina has long been active in Rosemont schools at all levels, and three years ago was elected to the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Trustees from this area. She has been very active in helping produce RCA annual Celebration of Community in August, and has helped start numerous charitable activities in our community. We are most appreciative of all her efforts and leadership, and are happy to recognize her generous service to Rosemont.

RCA Volunteer of the Year Christina Pritchett is presented a certificate by our County Supervisor Don Nottoli. (Photo by Rick Sloan)

RCA Volunteer of the Year Christina Pritchett is presented a certificate by our County Supervisor Don Nottoli. (Photo by Rick Sloan)